vernissage poster


Submitted for the vernissage poster competition, the theme of this poster is Focus. This word signifies the concentration that the students put into their work, as well as the exhibition being a focus on our talents and knowledge as designers.

vernissage poster


Submitted for the vernissage poster competition, the theme of this poster is Focus. This word signifies the concentration that the students put into their work, as well as the exhibition being a focus on our talents and knowledge as designers.

vernissage poster


Submitted for the vernissage poster competition, the theme of this poster is Focus. This word signifies the concentration that the students put into their work, as well as the exhibition being a focus on our talents and knowledge as designers.

vernissage poster


Submitted for the vernissage poster competition, the theme of this poster is Focus. This word signifies the concentration that the students put into their work, as well as the exhibition being a focus on our talents and knowledge as designers.

Amanda Pointet                                                                                                              514.264.9886