book cover


Illustrations through paint, ink, collage and photography were created to create the character of raccoons and their accompanying elements that start with the letter ‘R’. Typography was established to reinforce the style of the story; chaos, uneasiness and rain.

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Illustrations through paint, ink, collage and photography were created to create the character of raccoons and their accompanying elements that start with the letter ‘R’. Typography was established to reinforce the style of the story; chaos, uneasiness and rain.

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Illustrations through paint, ink, collage and photography were created to create the character of raccoons and their accompanying elements that start with the letter ‘R’. Typography was established to reinforce the style of the story; chaos, uneasiness and rain.

book cover


Illustrations through paint, ink, collage and photography were created to create the character of raccoons and their accompanying elements that start with the letter ‘R’. Typography was established to reinforce the style of the story; chaos, uneasiness and rain.

Amanda Pointet                                                                                                              514.264.9886