Without a Glitch

a guide to getting through the Dawson College Graphic Design program without losing your mind
'Without a Glitch' is an informative brochure geared towards prospective students in the Graphic Design program at Dawson College. The brochure / information pack includes program objectives, course descriptions, and faculty resumes.
Ths interesting challenge of this project was to layout the information in a way that would simultaneously be fresh and easy to assimilate. The content included many lists and tables, as well as a repetitive structure. There were no visuals supplied, and the theme was open.
The solution revealed itself within the theme "Without a Glitch" as a play on the idiom "Without a Hitch" -- a reassuring prospect for any student embarking on the adventure of design studies. The visuals were developed by editing the .raw data files of photos taken throughout the program in sound editing software, and treating the percussive noise as any other music track, adding effects and splicing them. Next, the photos were exported as image files (and tracks, but that's for another time) and treated for adequate resolution.

The Typefaces chosen were GT Haptik, GT America Mono and Akkurat. The grid was based on the copious content and is adhered to religiously, to allow the images to break free and cause chaos. The result is a well structured bit of crazy.