438 830 1207

Book Cover: The Anarchist Ants of Amsterdam
An illustrative book cover about activist insects
Main elements made with watercolours and fineliners

For this project it was required to create an illustrative cover for the following book description:

Artistic ants advocate anarchism in Amsterdam, applauding audibly, agonizing the animals as they attempt
to abide to authority as they artistically announce an alternative approach to addressing aggressive attacks,
alpacas and armadillos armed with an array of abutilons, algae and apples, the amo to adorn
Amsterdam, astonishing the audience.

All the illustrative elements on this cover were made by hand.
The main two mediums used where fineliner and watercolour.
After exploring with several methods of drawing and mark-making, the collage began.
Several layers of scans were placed together to create the final piece.