Explorations in Visual Communication

Noveller promotional concert poster
Mix media collage, with watercolour
Winter 2016

For this project we were assigned an album to explore in depth, through an exercise of extensive process, experimentation and comprehensive brainstorming; exploring the subject through associated words, visuals, textures, tones and narrative to create a concert poster. I wanted to communicate the drone infused, cinematic dreamscape and celestial imagery conjured by Noveller's experimental ambient sound. The concepts I came to focus on through my exploration were: "Morpheus"; the Greek god of dreams, able to mimic any form, and "Layers of the subconscious"; revealing the suppressed, rich landscape of our internal world and that which is forgotten in our waking life. The concept of the subconscious, coupled with the reoccurring theme of voyage, were the principal guiding narratives I employed in the final conception of the poster. In the final development, the layers of the subconscious are depicted through a collage of compressed geological strata. The monumental, lithic forms are represented as a series of islands travelling through an esoteric space, signifying the vast and mysterious, unexplored realm of the psyche, where our own personal myth takes place.