School project; for this project I created a poster, invitation and advert. Supporting Oddarrangs up and coming show.
Oddarrang is a experimental Finnish Jazz band. They're unique genre-defying, spiritual self lifting sound has been compared to other Icelanders such as Bjork and Sigur. Exemplifying various influences of contemporary jazz, classical and postmodern rock Oddarrang has developed this moving, mysterious mix of musical moods. Oddarrang captivates their listeners by using various instruments such as trombone, guitar, cello, acoustic base and drums. Oddarrangs sound has been referred to as "soundscapes" which in other terms means that their contrasting soulful music touches the listener on a very personal and emotional base. The sense of feeling that comes through their music is something that is speaking directly to the soul and is undoubtedly beautiful. Whether it's the soothing, bone chilling trombone melodies and their intense vibrating guitar progressions this avante guarde jazz band is like no other.
My inspiration and concept behind the poster was all influenced by the music itself. Because Oddarrangs sound is referred to as soundscapes, and they come from finland I thought the base image of trees was fitting. After listening to the music, the way the music is broken up reflects in the the way the image evolved and the way the type was treated.