Echo Chambers
A social issue poster design about hyper personalization on the internet and echo chambers. I knew from the moment that we were doing a social issue poster that I wanted to make it about information and the way it is shared. I nonetheless researched other options, including current issues and the way they were circulating on people’s newsfeed without suggestions on actions to take to resolve it.
After debating between making a poster flowchart showing how someone could take action in face of all of the worlds problems and a poster on echo chambers online, I selected echo chambers as it is a very current problem that people need to be made aware of.
After brainstorms and more brainstorms, I narrowed down my subject to the problem of hyper personalization on the internet and how it filters out information, creating echo chambers that shield you from opposing views. Words that came out such as filter, bubble and currents spoke of water and isolation, conjuring the image of fish swimming in opposite directions, separated by two different currents.
The colour scheme is bright and contrasting, differentiating the two currents and referring to the polarization of society exacerbated by the internet’s ironic tendency to pin its users into isolated groups. The graphics are flat and simple, covered with subtle flowing and warped lines referencing a digitized nation. The words are positioned to interact with the waves and currents, representing the reality that truth can be found beyond one’s own barriers.
The goal of the poster is that the viewer will be made aware of how differing people’s opinions can become when they are isolated from one another, to the point where it can feel like they are heading in completely opposite directions. The viewer is encouraged to take a plunge and face the other side, escaping their own echo chamber.